We assist older people, their families and caregivers. Our goal is to help elderly clients remain as independent as possible, to preserve assets, to obtain coverage for health and long term care expenses through programs such as MaineCare (Maine Medicaid), Medicare, long term care insurance and Medicare supplemental insurance; and to plan for the future with Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directives and Living Wills. We also help younger family members obtain the best care for their elders.
Learn more about our Elder Law services.
Estate Planning and Probate
We assist clients of all ages plan for the possibility of death or incapacity and minimize estate and income taxes. We assist in the preparation of Wills, Trusts (including trusts to reduce estate taxes, Living Trusts and Supplemental Needs Trusts), Durable Powers of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directives and Living Wills. We help families, following a death, in the probate of an estate or administration of a trust.
Specializing in estate planning and probate in Maine, we offer the following services:
- Elder Law
- Long-Term Care Planning
- Power of Attorney & Advanced Health Care Directives
- Reduction of Estate, Gift & Income Taxes
- Wills & Trusts
For more information on our estate planning services, our fees, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.
We're here to help. (207) 377-6966