On February 26, 2021, Governor Janet Mills announced that Maine would be moving to an “aged-based” eligibility formula for prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination. The governor, in consultation with officials in the Department of Health and Human Services and Main Center for Disease Control and Prevention, decided that this aged-based approach would be the most efficient and effective way to prevent severe illness and death. Depending on vaccine supply, the tentative plan to start vaccinating Mainers 60 and over in March; those 50 and over starting in April, those 40 and over in May; those 30 over in June; and those under 30 starting in July.
On March 3, the governor announced a modification of the age-based approach that will allow school and daycare workers to be vaccinated in March as well. Maine Public Radio reported the same day that the federal government's direct shipment of the recently approved Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be offered first to educators.
Vaccine clinics are popping up all over the state as more vaccines become available. The State of Maine maintains a web site to help people find clinics near them.
Maine residents can also call “211” to find more information about services. You can also text your zip code to 898-211.
For more information for caretakers during the COVID-19 pandemic, check out our recent blog post for caretakers.
For more information about health-care decision making, here is a link to our post on “Health-care Power of Attorney.”
Of course, as with any health-care decision, you should talk to your health care provider before getting the vaccine.